The misguided policies of President Joe Biden and Senator Catherine Cortez-Masto have left Nevada families at or near the bottom in nearly every statistical area. As Senator, Adam will work quickly to restore fiscal sanity by stopping the spending spree that has led to record-breaking inflation. The price of groceries, gas and everyday household goods amount to a massive tax increase on Nevadans that makes life at the lower-income end unworkable—the ends just don’t meet anymore.
Adam will stand up to reckless mandates that have done enormous damage to the workforce, especially the most vulnerable workers, and will work to implement policies that boost our supply chains and help employers provide good-paying, steady jobs to hardworking Nevadans.

We have a crisis at our southern border that has put communities across Nevada in danger. As a Senator, Laxalt will work to finish the wall, implement other technological solutions and close the porous southern border. Additionally, Adam supports effective border policies like “remain in Mexico,” which were working to discourage migrants from traveling to the border until the Biden Administration reversed it. There is nothing humane about an open border policy that encourages caravans of desperate people to risk their lives only to encounter overwhelmed border facilities. Curbing illegal immigration and restoring law and order at the Southern Border is a top priority for Adam.
As Attorney General, Adam fought against then-President Obama’s illegal executive orders on immigration. During his term, Adam also fought against dangerous sanctuary city policies and worked to help stop their spread.

Crime is on the rise in Nevada and across the country in no small part because of reckless soft-on-crime policies being pushed by Democrats at the local and national level.
Law and order are foundational principles of our society. The far-left movement towards decriminalization under the guise of social justice has been met with silence or outright acquiescence by liberal leaders across Nevada and the nation. Adam believes law and order is not negotiable and must be rigorously enforced to ensure the safety and security of Nevada families.
Nobody was tougher on crime during his tenure as Attorney General than Adam Laxalt. Laxalt found and dedicated resources to test Nevada’s sexual assault kit backlog, resulting in the testing of thousands of backlogged kits. The subsequent testing led to the arrest, prosecution, and conviction of rapists.
Laxalt was the state’s first real top cop, organizing the first statewide law enforcement summits, bringing together law enforcement officials from across the state in one forum for the first time in state history. At his direction, the Nevada Attorney General’s Office established an elder fraud unit, which delivered the largest guardianship fraud indictment in state history.
These are some of the reasons he is endorsed and supported by sheriffs, law enforcement officers, and district attorneys across Nevada. Delivering resources to our law enforcement departments is not near enough—they need an ally at the top. Adam Laxalt will be that ally.

Adam Laxalt has stood tall in support of the second amendment at every turn. As Attorney General, he vigorously defended the gun rights of Nevadans and has been lauded for his work by the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America. Adam worked collaboratively with legislators, raising money through a PAC to message against red flag laws in Nevada and co-chaired the state’s No on 1 campaign in 2016, which sought to block a Bloomberg-proposed law banning the safe and already regulated third party transfer of firearms.
As Nevada’s Attorney General, Laxalt’s office joined many of 20 other Attorneys General in supporting national concealed-carry reciprocity legislation. Laxalt fought against unconstitutional restrictions on handguns in San Francisco’s and San Diego. He authored an official opinion that protected gun owners from unenforceable new regulations on gun transfers.

Laxalt has been a leading voice against the last-minute changes codified into law by the Nevada Legislature in 2020, less than three months before the 2020 General Election. As Senator, Adam will be a fierce advocate for reforms including voter ID and opposition to universal mail out voting, ballot harvesting and ballot drop boxes.
He would oppose any further Democrat attempts to pass HR1 and make elections less secure.

Laxalt called in April of 2020 for an end to forced shutdowns, school closures and mask mandates, acknowledging the enormous costs of these failed policies early on. As Senator, Laxalt will work to ensure the administrative and public health failures of the last several years never return to public life, and, as Senator, will call for investigations into those government officials responsible for the continued policy failures that have resulted in serious and meaningful harm to the American people.

The right to life is a basic constitutional liberty for all Americans. As Senator, Laxalt will stand against taxpayer funding for abortion. When elected, he will be a reliable vote against extreme Democrat proposals that would deny babies born alive healthcare or codify barbaric partial-birth abortion practices as federal law.